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Occhipinti - "SP68" Sicily Vino Bianco 2023 (750ml)


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Grape vareital : Zibibbo, Albanello.
The two varieties are native to Sicily--Zibibbo is more widely known as Muscat of Alexandria--and are grown on red sand soils over limestone rock, with vines averaging 15 years old on several different estate sites. The vines are organically farmed and hand-harvested. The fruit is destemmed and co-fermented with native yeasts in concrete tanks and with a two-week skin maceration. The wine is aged in concrete tank for 8 months and bottled unfiltered.

Arianna Occhipinti is a breath of fresh air on an island that shows enormous sensitivity to the winds that have caressed its rocky landmass for centuries. If the Eskimos have 50 words for 'snow,' I wouldn’t be surprised if Sicilians had just as many for 'wind.' Like the winds that have changed the destiny of this centrally positioned Mediterranean island, Arianna Occhipinti is a figure of similar symbolic significance. She has emerged as 'the face' of Sicilian 'natural' wines." The young Occhipinti's SP68 is a blend of Frappato and Nero d'Avola from red sand with chalky subsoils that's meant to be enjoyed young. A great follow up to the three and half star version review by the New York Times.